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This Week Ada Aktiviti Sikit

Sebenarnya sama saja :). Most of the time we just stayed home. Now that I'm not working, rasa banyak free time. Tengah ada idea nak buat projek baru ni. Insyaallah... semoga berhasil. Sekarang tengah fasa buat research dan test. Bukan apa, I have to rake my brains to find something I can do from home. Projek sendiri. Asalkan tergerak hati nak contact kawan-kawan tanya kot ada projek I boleh join... teringat pulak kat tanggungjawab tiap-tiap pagi tu. Susah jugak nak commit. Last month my friend Aimy ada tanya if I can be her sparing partner for a project. Requirement study work kena station kat client's office sampai siap. So, terpaksa decline. I don't know... for now macam ni lah sementara school holidays ni. Next year is another story altogether. Kena juga cari rezeki kan.
 We went to Agro Bazaar at Taman Warisan and I finally got myself a lemon tree :). Bau daun dia sedap.
Nak suruh anak comel ni puasa ganti cukup liat. Janji buka puasa kat Sushi King barulah dia puasa. Hissshhh... Her current favourite - Agedeshi Beef with Tofu and Mushroom.
 2 nights ago I made this Lemon Butter Cheese Cake. Jumpa recipe yang nampak sangat simple. Macam butter cake biasa tapi ada cream cheese. Sedap juga. Kek agak heavy. Heaven makan kek panas tengah malam masa sejuk-sejuk hujan tu :). Tapi Aliyah tak minat sebab rasa lemon. Maybe next time I can just substitute with vanilla.
Dinner malam ni - carbonara meatballs. Adoii... bila nak diet ni?
