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Showing posts from March, 2019

Of Nothing Much

Day in and day out, life is as usual these days. Just as things have started to get a little bit lazy, I got a boost in terms of a friend contributing to my CVL pouch project. I was digging my box of completed sewing items when I found this black palazzo I sewed for a friend last year. I totally forgot about it! While arranging to deliver it, I mentioned about my pouch project and if she would like to contribute. She gladly agreed. A few hours later, I checked my bank account and found quite a substantial amount transferred. Allah... I am so blessed to have such generous friends. Alhamdulillah, semoga Allah memberkati sedekah kawan-kawan. I'll be sewing pouches left right centre maybe for the next 2 weeks 😅!  Terus potong kain! Hari ni baru siap 2. I bought these cute cotton materials at Komonoya. Cute sangat designs. Nak beli lagi! Meanwhile... Last Sunday ke KGB sekali lagi. Tapi this time around seasoning macam masin sikit. Perhaps seasoning tu biasa saja, tapi ...

My Gift is Here

Pagi-pagi GDex dah hon depan rumah buat delivery. The gift I made for anak comel is finally here. Earlier than expected. I spent hours on Monday creating a gift for anak comel. Sempena dia officially completed the first chapter of her life - school years. And it was not an easy task because I had to dig back old photos stored in my external hard drive, which miraculously, still works. Yup, I created a photobook. The theme - anak comel's photos throughout the years. From when she was a baby right till now. This time around I used Pixajoy. Ada review kata better than Photobook. I bought a voucher at RM1.88 from Lazada. Buat yang kecik comel dulu. I don't know how it would turn out. Verdict - turned out quite good. Cuma, sebab I buat guna yang 6"x6" punya using ready template, photos yang ramai manusia dalamnya tu tak sesuai guna photo box kecik. On my laptop screen memang OK, bila jadi kecik nau pulak! Lesson learned. I gave the present to anak comel when she came d...

The Heat is On

The weather is so very hot these days. Really. That's why selalu melarikan diri ke tempat ada air-cond especially malls. Sejuk sikit. And I believe the haze is here. Not so much in the morning, tapi bila petang... boleh bau. I ponteng 3 CBF classes. Minggu lepas tak pergi langsung. Actually my bout of insomnia is back. Memang tak boleh tidur. At times, I turun bawah tengok Grey's Anatomy pukul 2-3 pagi. So that's the reason why they air the show at those times. To cater for people like me! Oleh sebab tidur tak cukup, esok paginya kepala weng sikit. Not so good kalau pergi workout. Takut pitam. Tapi pagi tadi paksa juga diri untuk pergi. And as usual, never regret the decision. Terus rasa menyesal ponteng kelas minggu lepas 😅.   The regulars for HW class. Bila tak datang seminggu, jumpa balik... waaahhh masing-masing nampak dah lose weight! Kelas hari ni Aqish tak kasi chance langsung. 8 workouts x 8 rounds x 20 seconds each with 5 seconds break. Paling tak tahan - ...

Alhamdulillah... The Wait is Over

Time just flies kan? Feels like everything happened at the blink of the eyes. Baru sangat rasanya nak comel naik Form 5, attended majlis cakna untuk SPM, then the endless rounds of sending and fetching anak comel to and from school for her daily school, extra classes, study group sessions, tuition classes (yang actually banyak juga ponteng!), then it was her exam and yesterday her results were out. But I guess my debaran for the results was not so intense. Alhamdulillah, hati memang selalu redha pada anak comel. About everything in her life. Doa sentiasa. Dan yang penting, selalu minta orang doakan anak comel. You never know doa siapa yang Allah makbulkan. We headed to school at around 10am. Dewan sekolah kosong saja masa tu. Took our seats near the table of anak comel's Form 5 class. Senang nanti nak ambik results - pusing ke kanan saja! And then, it was almost 2 hours of waiting. Mula-mula ada briefing from a few reps from colleges, then waited for the analysis of school'...

All Orders Completed

I finally completed all orders received for the pouches. Alhamdulillah. These few days laju jahitnya sebab dah dapat momentum yang optimum 😎. Tinggal lagi a few saja yang I memang buat extra. Lepas ni insyaallah nak stop kejap, letak tepi, sebab nak buat pants and blouse yang dah lama sangat ditinggalkan. Doa-doa semoga akak yang order tu tak bosan tunggu. She did say she's not in a hurry anyway 😅. Lepas tu mungkin nak sambung semula buat pouches. Nak menghabiskan kain cotton yang ada ni.  Altogether ada 50 pouches. Target nak buat dalam 60 for this batch. Insyaallah this is for a good cause. Pagi tadi hantar anak comel pergi interview part-time job. Dia pakai baju kurung arwah Mak Ngah dia. Kata dia macam dapat kerja tu tapi tengoklah in the end dia minat ke tak 😅. Sekarang jantung tengah dupdap dupdap Khamis ni insyaallah result SPM keluar. Allah... risau juga. Tapi I awal-awal dah redha. Whatever she gets, itulah yang terbaik bagi dia sesuai dengan kemampuan dan usaha...

The Long-Awaited Captain Marvel

Ever since anak comel introduced me to Thor: Ragnarok, I've been hooked to Marvel superheroes movies. After Avengers: Infinity War, the one movie we've both been waiting for before the movie-of-all-Marvel-movies is Captain Marvel. Obviously it's no surprise that we watched it on its very first day of releases, as early as we could 😅. I couldn't get a ticket earlier that 11.15am. Still early lah kan since the first show was 10.50am! So, there we were, yesterday morning, at GSC IOI City Mall, armed with caramel popcorn and Coke combo, our eyes glued to the screen. Now, to give it 5 star would be a wee bit too much. Not really. But still good. I argued to anak comel that Captain Marvel is just too ridiculously strong. I mean, smashing a huge spaceship at one go? But anak comel said, "That's why she's the one to fight Thanos!". OKlah 👍. Anyway, the story was supposed to be around 1995 and what a surprise when I saw Denvers search the Web using, ehe...

Been 2 Weeks Now

It's been 2 weeks since my beloved SIL Kak Ros passed. Though that heavy feeling in my heart has gradually subsided, accepting her untimely demise is still a struggle. For many, many years, she has been such an important person in my life. And since we live nearby, it was at least once a week of seeing each other. At the very least, a pleasant encounter at our favourite mamak Haji Tapah 😅. Whenever I don't feel good, like the world is crashing on me, I would just pay her a visit. A short walk to her house with anak comel. Just to see her. Because she is such a positive person. To her, everything about life has a silver lining. "Mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya", she always said. And she never, ever, say anything bad about other people. Never. Ever. She taught me the meaning of "jodoh". To her, jodoh has such a vast meaning. It doesn't just mean your life partner. It encompasses everything about life. If you have a good friend, that is jodoh. If your si...

Gunung Angsi Hike

Khamis lepas, selepas tak ke kelas hampir 2 minggu, gagahkan diri untuk pergi walaupun mood memang tak ada. And I was so glad I did. Lega sangat rasa. Alhamdulillah I have friends at CBF, especially that chirpy Ani, yang sangat concern. Sempatlah meluahkan rasa sedih kat dia 😢. Keluar jugalah air mata. Sebelum kelas start, Aqish bagitau dia ada buat hiking trip ke Gunung Angsi esoknya. Apparently, kelas cikgu-cikgu ajak sebab sekolah dia orang cuti hari Jumaat sempena PRK Semenyih. Cuma 3 orang saja yang confirm. Jadinya, sambil-sambil workout kepala ligat pikir whether I should go. End of class I cakap nak ikut walaupun sedar diri yang dah dekat 2 tahun tak pergi hiking! Redah saja lah... Esoknya kumpul di CBF at 6.40am. Altogether ada 5 orang - Aqish, 2 cikgu dan 2 geng housewives 😎. Carpool naik kereta Aqish. The journey was about 40 minutes. Taklah jauh sangat. Since it was Friday, memang orang tak berapa ada. Bila sampai cuma ada 2 kereta saja. We started at Bukit Putus trai...

First Batch Done and Sent

I completed the first batch of baby bibs and pouches on Thursday, and straight away posted them to the collection centre. Risau simpan lama-lama. Kita pegang amanah orang kan. Bila dah pos tu rasa lega sangat 😊.  Lipat elok-elok, masukkan dalam clear plastic bag dan label 😎 Lepas pos, tag person who initiated the drive kat IG. Alhamdulillah... Sekarang sambung buat pouches. Untuk second batch ni tengah target buat around 30. So far dah siap 15 💪. Alhamdulillah dah dapat momentum. So laju sikit jahit. Sebenarnya masih juga tak berapa laju. Sebab I ni easily distracted. Bila dah jahit a few yang sama pattern, macam bosan. Pegi ambik kain lain dan potong 😅. Entah apa-apa!