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Showing posts from June, 2016

Takziah Kepada Sahabat

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun..... Our friend Rozie's husband Hanizam Idris passed away at 12.50am today. Having just visited him last Friday, reading the announcement in our Telegram group felt like a brick just got thrown to my stomach. I cannot even imagine how Rozie is doing right now. The sadness and the lost. I pray Allah grants her extraordinary strength to face this difficult and trying time. And I thought of how blessed I am. Sometimes you see other people as having all the best things in the world. And you thought how you wish you could have that as well. All the while forgetting or blinded to the fact that what you have is what Allah has bestowed upon you. The gift that you should uphold and cherish. I do have all the best things in the world. And I am very grateful. May I never forget that. Al Fatihah to Allahyarham Hanizam.

Garden and Our Weekend

On Saturday, we finally got the garden to be planted with pearl grass. Setelah bertahun it's been stripped off from rumput carpet yang degil dan liat itu. We plan for the fish pond to be covered by wood platform. Maybe install a pagola to serve as shades. We'll see. Slowly. Simpan duit dulu :). Sementara the workers do their magic, we went to IOI City Mall. Hubby nak tukar duit allowance dia from B$ to RM. I researched, the money changer rates at IOI City Mall is quite good. Masa macam ni lah rasa best gila tukar duit ke RM sebab dapat 3 kali ganda. As usual, anak kesayangan dapat barang dia dulu i.e. kasut raya. Today, lepas Aliyah's tuition, memberanikan diri ke Bangi Sentral untuk shopping Raya. Ingat nak settlekan Hubb's baju melayu. Tapi kedai kat situ mostly jual baju untuk perempuan. Kalau ada untuk lelaki, most are jubah. I mean, I had enough of jubah already. Macam-macam jenis jubah sampai tak larat tengok. I still think baju melayu makes the wearer look ni...

Cerita Friday

Dah dua kali Friday when it's time for Hubby to come back, my day was packed and exhausting. On Friday, Ies, Jay and I went to Ipoh to visit Rozie and her husband Hanizam. Dah plan sejak 2 minggu lepas. Hampir-hampir sahaja cancel sebab I kena attend meeting. Tapi bila fikir balik, I can't ditch my friends. We planned this 2 weeks ago. Meeting I tu last minute and it's supposed to be about the UAT we did on Thursday. The one that turned out to be the worst UAT ever sebab developer tak siapkan kerja. Screw it! Pagi-pagi I ke Bangi Gateway tunggu Ies fetch. Patutnya jam 9 dah gerak. Tapi biasalah. Dengan dia orang ni mesti ada kejadian tak diduga :). Finally, jam 9.45 gerak menuju Ipoh. Sampai Hospital Ipoh dalam jam 12.30. Tunggu visiting hours start, jumpa Rozie kat ward ICU. We took turns to visit Hanizam. His condition improved a bit but he's still in coma. Hanizam met with an accident a week before puasa. He skidded on his way down from Cameron Highlands on his sup...

Buka Puasa Alone :(

Hari ni sedih tau. I buka puasa sorang-sorang :(. Hubbs dah la jauh, Aliyah pulak ada program buka puasa dan terawih kat sekolah. Lepas hantar dia sekolah jam 6.15, terus balik untuk panaskan lauk dan masak satu sayur dish for myself. Lalu depan padang, Makcik yang jual kuih tu still ada kat situ. Rezeki I kuih biji nangka dia yang delicious the bomb tu dari jauh nampak ada lagi 2 bungkus. So, singgah kejap beli.  Lauk kari ayam kampung Ahad lepas ada lagi. Masak terung sambal extra belacan (Hubbs tak da boleh la indulge!). Nasib baik makan tidak disulami dengan nyanyian sayu lagu-lagu Raya. Hehehe...

Raya Shopping

Hari ni lepas Aliyah selesai tuisyen jam 10, terus bawa dia pergi Bangi Sentral shopping Raya. Sebenarnya tau dah mesti jam kat sana tapi saja cari sebab nak keluar rumah. Jalan memang sesak. Mula-mula park kereta kat office lama my brother Angah sebab nak keluar duit kat ATM. Lepas tu pergilah cari parking dekat sikit. Finally, pusing satu round dan kembali park kereta tempat yang sama. Tak sanggup tengok kereta punya banyak. Dan yang pasti, kalau dapat parking pun, bila dah selesai shopping nanti nak keluar pun payah. Baik park jauh sikit tapi hati senang. Jumpa kedai yang memang taste Aliyah. Asalnya sebab dia beli blouse kat kedai lain, dan sebab dia kurus, punya payah cari long skirt to go with the blouse. Siap ada satu kedai ni suggest pulak beli yang free size then alter kat tailor. Ish... mana tailor nak accept time-time macam ni kan. Rezeki Aliyah ajak naik ke ThePopHead. Nama kedai saja dah tau agak hipster. Tapi very good service - mintak tolong suggest skirt yang sesuai a...

Earworm Song

Lagu ni selalu keluar di radio. Lepas dengar 3-4 kali, melekat dalam kepala jadi earworm. Very cute song. And catchy too. I just read it's OST for a drama. Drama yang dipangkal namanya ada Mr. Huh? Never heard of the drama before this. I pun dah lama tak tengok TV Malaysia.

Buka Puasa Last Saturday

Ini siaran tertunda. We went to my SIL Nor's house for buka puasa last Saturday. Semua ada except Angah Mas and family yang balik Seremban. Lauk-pauk Nor dah settlekan, so we bought kuih from pasar Ramadhan for the potluck.  Lauk-pauk yang awesome. That sweet sour siakap - the sauce was cooked by our BIL who's now with Shangri-la Putrajaya. Lepas dia share recipe, dan setelah tengok Aliyah beriya-iya makan sangat sedap katanya, I bought plum sauce dengan harapan akan rajin masak sweet sour fish. Setakat ni belum lagi! Kuih-muih penuh meja...  Hubbs imamkan solat Maghrib & Isyak Best solat kat anjung tepi swimming pool. Hujan gerimis pulak tu. Sejuk macam tepi sungai :)

Jumpa Dalam Mimpi

For days I've thought about my arwah father. Bulan puasa ni mesti teringat his last puasa month. Some days I bought him buka puasa dishes, or if I cooked, I'd pack him some home-cooked dishes. Paling sayu on that very last day of puasa, when I spent the whole day berperang masak rendang sorang-sorang, and only managed to send him buka puasa food about 15 minutes before Maghrib. I found him in the kitchen all alone, looking lost, making himself a drink. The dining table was empty. My youngest brother was still not back. He laughed nervously and said he thought I'd only come the next morning with the food. I told him I promised to cook and put the whole spread on the dining table, all nicely packed in containers. He looked so relieved. The image of him all alone in the kitchen will forever haunt me. This morning I took a nap at around 11am and I dreamed of him. He was in that "uniform" of his - light blue baju melayu, kain pelikat and kopiah putih. He looked happy...

One Exhausting Friday

Last Friday I think was the most exhausting day I ever experienced. Ever. Betul. Ever. The day started early as I had to go for a meeting in KL. Jam 7.30 pagi dah tercegat tunggu komuter. As usual kena berdirilah kan sebab awal lagi. Masa tu try turun di Bdr Tasik Selatan, switch to Star LRT to get off at Bandaraya. At least dekat sikit jalan kaki ke Menara Tima. Agenda meeting was clarification some issues UAT dulu tapi tiba-tiba kena present UAT report pulak. I paling stress benda-benda impromptu ni. Bukan apa, laptop tak bawak, document entah kat mana. Bila present, belum apa-apa error numbering dah salah. Pelik betul lah. Masa I buat report dah check puluh kali. Rupanya team leader salah bukak report kat laptop dia. Dia bukak Cycle 1 punya! Adoii... Jam 1.15 baru selesai meeting. On the way back, check train schedule, I already missed the Bank Negara komuter by just 3 minutes. Lalu dengan pantas ke Star LRT, manalah tau Star LRT sempat kejar komuter kan. Bila sampai Bdr Tasik S...

Time to Delete the Number

About a week before puasa, I saw that someone unexpected joined Telegram. Errrk... I checked Whatsapp and that someone has the photo of a Korean artist as profile pic. I guess now my arwah father's number is being used by someone else. Perhaps some teenage girl obsessed with K-Pop? With heavy heart, I deleted the number yesterday.

Ramadhan is Here

It's the 2nd day of Ramadhan. Selamat berpuasa to you. For the first time in many, many years, the holy month is so very "sunyi". This morning I sahur just a few kurma and half a cup of milk. Must remember not to drink milk during sahur anymore because I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach just minutes later. Aliyah will only start her fast in a few days' time, so I guess my sahur these coming days should be a breeze. Thinking of going out to pasar ramadhan today. I'm not really fussy about the food I eat but I think I need to make Aliyah feel the fasting month is here. Kenalah ada kuih dan the usual buka puasa dishes. Despite having loads of work to do, waktu siang bulan puasa is not a good time to work. And I found this quiz. Very interesting. You should try it.

Be Safe

Hubby is now at the other side of the country, across the South China Sea. He'll come back every two weeks. This will be the arrangement for our little family for the next 6 to 8 months. He took up that opportunity too good to pass I mentioned earlier. Insyaallah we'll manage. I'll have to do a whole lot of things myself over here. And so does he over there. He left us with the house completely organised. Alhamdulillah... thank you so much :). I have to rajinkan diri kemas rumahlah nampaknya. When Aliyah and I got back home, terus tak tau nak buat apa. So we watched TV. Both of us yang jarang tengok TV ni actually sat down together and tried to pick something to watch. And I believe Aliyah terasa the absence so she tried to fill up the void by busying herself scrolling for movies to watch, and then suggesting we make that cheese bomb she's been wanting to make for ages. And then we watched TV some more :(. Ten more days for Hubby to come home...  Breakfast at Coff...