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Showing posts from May, 2016

Lagi Progress

I had a full day session at client's premise on Friday conducting UAT for that particular system. Berhari-hari sebelum tu stresskan diri buat testing dan update UAT script. System testing memang satu kerja yang sangat stressful. Bukan apa, paling menyampah elok-elok benda tu jalan, malam tu lah dia tak jalan. Atau keluar error. Atau developer buat changes kat tempat lain, affect tempat lain. Alhamdulillah masa UAT more than 90% passes. Tapi macam biasa - ada saja "requirement" baru. Macam... eh, flownya bukan macam tu... atau... formula tu betul tapi kita ada cap pada 75%. Baru nak cakap kan... But then, I actually secretly enjoy doing testing. Sebab bila hasilnya perfect, I know that I did well :). Sampai rumah, another pleasant progress. Pintu bilik air yang bi-fold tu dah siap install. Yeay... suka suka suka. Ok, semua kira dah lengkap dah. Tinggal garden je nak overhaul. Yang tu lambat sikit pun tak apa.  The bi-fold door. Insyaallah tak akan ada kes terkunci ...

So Much Progress

Our three bathrooms have been transformed. I must say they look very nice :). Yang penting ialah air tak meresap ke dinding dan tempat-tempat lain. Sambil-sambil tu buatlah design cantik sikit. I like the end result. If you have similar problems i.e. suspect that bathroom tiles maybe pecah sikit or simen dah retak sikit and air started to seep in, this is a clean solution. Tak payah nak pecah tiles sehingga rumah jadi berhabuk dan bising, dan kena tunggu berhari-hari untuk kerja pasang tiles baru. Check out: Epoxy Refinishing Coating . Sehari dah siap. Esoknya dah boleh guna bathroom. Lantai pun dah tak licin. Hari ni my Mother's Day present sampai :). Hubby belikan Garmin Vivo. Berbulan berkira-kita nak beli ke tidak. Banyak sangat pros and cons. Akhirnya Hubbs belikan. Hehehe... Ikut hati nak beli yang murah tu tapi baca review banyak sangat problem. Feature penting yang Hubbs nak sangat belikan ialah heart rate monitor. Umur cam gini kena jaga especially I ni memang ada ...

Outing With The Girls

A few weeks ago the four of us talked about "why don't we feeling-feeling jadi mak datin and go have hi tea before puasa". I found very good bargain at Groupon. Instead of the normal RM68 per person, it was only RM40 at The Halia, Sime Darby Convention Centre. Bought the coupon and today we went for the binge :). Coincidentally, Aliyah got invitation for housewarming of her friend's at Bangi Avenue. So, tinggal Abahnya sorang-sorang kat rumah. Hehehe... As usual, we had a blast. Borak entah apa-apa, disulami oleh makanan yang sangat delicious. We talked about the usuals, about our experiences during our journeys, about of plans for our next adventure... After Raya lah kan. And we exchanged souvenirs. I gave them the small phone bags - insisting that even though they have all been to Vietnam, nah amik kau! I got a pair of slippers from Yogjakarta - the ones with the left and right of different colours. Of the same shades of course! Selipar untuk Sinderella, kata dia ...

Preparing Myself

I'm now in the midst of preparing myself. For new arrangements starting 1st June. Hubby got an opportunity too good to pass. Today he resigned from the current project we are doing together. Now, the focus is to do as much as he can on the house. Next week we'll have people coming in to do epoxy repainting on all floors of the 3 bathrooms. It costs quite a substantial amount, however, much cheaper and less messier than having to redo the tiles of the bathrooms. After these few years, the waterproofing has started to wear off, or I think it was not done properly before. Also, we are getting all 3 bathroom doors changed to bi-fold doors. After my traumatic experience of being locked inside the bathroom, and then having changed the door to the plastic folding one, which after a few months have started to have problems (such a waste!), changing to a good quality one will ensure long lasting and stress-free experience :) Other than that, we decided not to build that outside stor...

Kasi Summary Sikit!

I had a rough week. Till Thursday. The translation work needed to be finalised. The last 3 files were emailed on Wednesday afternoon. Deadline was 10am Thursday. I knew one of the files must be very long because I have been expecting it. Since I had to go to a meeting on Wednesday, I could only start on the files at night. And worked till 2am, then woke up at 4.30am and continued. I sent a message to ask for a few hours of extension and I finally completed all the work at 12.45pm. Hubby came in to inform about a few things but my brains got completely shut out. I didn't even comprehend what he said and I was at the brink of tears. I hate deadlines! Alhamdulillah all is completed. Yeayy! Semoga client gembira dan akan bagi the same job for next year's report :) On Friday, I rewarded myself for all the hardwork :). After Aliyah came back from school, we went to IOI City Mall. Of course she got her things first! I got a Mother's Day present from her - a Murakami book.  B...

Of This and That

Aliyah went for school trip to Lenggong, Perak from Friday to Saturday. We sent her off at 10.30pm and she came back the next night. Like any other parents, I believe, I worry sick about her. Sigh... baru pergi school trip kan. I made her promise to send updates and she did :). The museum was "not bad lah" she said? Amboi... But she had lots of fun with her friends in Sungkai hot spring. On Saturday, Hubby and I spent almost the whole day out. We went to buy new lights for the living room and "accidentally" (boleh ke?) bought this basin that I know would be very useful for our laundry area. It has this old-fashioned looking scrubbing surface at the side to wash small items. Now, laundry area dah settle. Need to go step by step until we worked on the whole house. Organised sikit rupanya... Oh, we spent hours at this so-called health check-up. And signed up. At this age, anything related to health memang senang sangat terjebak :(. Later in the evening, ...

Labour Day Weekend

Labour day weekend yang membawak ke hari Isnin. Cuti yang nampak pendek tapi banyak pulak aktivitinya. Ada rasa sedikit kecewa tak dapat ikut geng-geng tiga orang tu pergi holiday ke Lumut. Ies dapat free 3D/2N stay di Swiss Garden. Walaupun bersungguh-sungguh "digoda" tapi memang tak boleh nak ikut. Aliyah - dengar I mention about the achiks pergi holiday saja dia dah eheeemmmm... kan I panjang-panjang. Okla, Mommy just came back. Takkan nak merayau lagi. On Saturday pergi IKEA Cheras. Hampir seharian kat situ. Pergi IKEA memang kena spend one day kan. Sempat Hubby pergi meeting dengan ex-boss dia untuk previous project. Kalau ada rezeki dapatlah project baru. Berhabisan juga lah sedikit beli barang. We are in the midst of "overhauling" the house. Bit by bit. Dah lebih 5 tahun ni mulalah kan. Macam-macam nak kena ganti. Dah dapat barang, tunggu Abahnya datang balik lepas meeting. Dah penat sangat dah ni... On Sunday, ke rumah Nor di Denai Alam for adik-be...