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Showing posts from March, 2016

Repeat3 Bukit Ayer Hitam

Yup, three times already last Saturday. I love the place. It's cool, not too difficult not too easy, clean, most importantly, gives me the chance to exercise. It's been a while since I hiked. Even walked or cycled. The hot weather is really not conducive for outdoor activities. So, it was really good. I went with Hubby, walaupun pada mulanya macam hampir tak jadi, tapi jadi juga :). Anak-anak sedara yang biasa ikut masing-masing ada plan. At least I finally got Hubby to experience the place. Sort of evaluation too. We concluded that Aliyah would find the place a piece of cake. I hope.  Just the 2 of us Ini guna Hubby's Endomondo. I'm switching to Endomondo. Tapi tak try lagi. Runtastic also not so accurate :(

Farewell Eecah

Setelah banyak kali sedih sebab kucing hilang, I dah tak bela kucing lagi. I mean, secara "aktif". We only have Boboi and Eecah yang duduk di luar rumah. Bagi makan, layan sikit-sikit, that's it. Ada 2-3 ekor kucing yang selalu datang rumah tumpang makan, but that's as far as caring for cats that we do. Kasi makan. Sedih lah kalau kucing hilang. Asal dah start sayang je sure hilang. Eecah has not looked well for the past few days. Mula-mula dia tak balik rumah dekat seminggu. Tapi ada je kat depan tu. Bila dia balik 3 hari lepas, nampak sangat weak. I know she won't last long. Nak minum air pun kena letak bowl depan muka dia sebab dia tak larat. Makan pun tak nak. Kurus. She finally died yesterday. Sometime in the night. Sedih sebenarnya dia dah tak da :(. Selalu tidur kat patio. Macam-macam gaya tidur. I selalu akan tegur, "Eeeecccaaahhhh...". Very smart cat. At times she would give this mysterious look, like she's planning something evil in her...

Work Work Work

Baru hari Rabu, tapi penatnya macam dah seminggu kerja. Monday till today berbengkel di client's office di KL. Plan asal buat di Melaka, tapi alhamdulillah last minute tak jadi. Aliyah dah buat muka sedih tak bagi Mommy dia pergi :(. Nak kejar sampai KL by 8.30am, kena ambil train lepas hantar Aliyah sekolah. Good thing Hubby tak ada meeting, so dia lah yang uruskan fetch Aliyah from school, bawak makan, etc. So, it was 8.30am till 5.30pm of discussing processes, procedures, policies, and the whole mak-nenek life cycle of project management of that organisation. Sampai rumah dah 6.30pm. Exhausted memang tak boleh nak buat apa. Report pun tak larat nak buat. Itu lah dia usaha mencari rezeki kan? Bukan senang. Penat, stress, rambut hitam tukar putih, those are the things yang orang tak nampak dan tak tahu. Contohnya I had to stand all the way from Bangi to KL Sentral for the past 3 mornings sebab train memang full. Actually, tak lah full sangat tapi memang tak de rasa nak rebut...

My Pokok

I've started a new gardening plot. Mostly nak start over plants yang bakal dimusnahkan bila kerja-kerja buat store start nanti. Nanti tu tak sure lah bila kan. Tapi dari sekarang kena start tanam baru plants like pokok pandan, kari, etc. Gutter yang dulunya Hubby guna buat filtering system kolam ikan, I guna untuk vegetables. So far so good. Tapi the place is hot, nak kena pasang shades baru pokok OK sikit kot.  Tomato plant tanam dalam old gutter yang ada lubang-lubang. Surprisingly the plant turned up quite healthy. More so than the ones planted earlier kat tempat lama. Dah start berbunga :)  The rosemary plant I bought at Taman Warisan looking well and healthy. Pisang tanduk rumah I memang pelik sikit. Sekali berbuah akan ada 2 tandan. We usually get around 15-18 biji pisang at one time. Now not so sure nak pindah pokok pisang kat mana...

Sesi Reki, Makan dan Jalan

My JJCMM2 is planning a short trip to Sg Lopo next month. Since tak pernah jejak kaki ke sana, dan nama pun macam pelik je, we decided to go reki sambil cari makan. It was a whole day affair with the girls. Took Aliyah and met up with them at Serdang Komuter station. Lepas tu a long drive to Hulu Langat. Sampai ke kaki Gunung Nuang kita orang berjalan. Yang ada hari ni... CEOs on the move katanya :) Mula-mula mestilah makan dulu. We found a blog about Lontong King dan sangat teruja nak cuba. Since it's a working day, orang tak ramai. Lontong King letak sambal sotong. Memang sedap. Pedas sikit sampai tersedak. Tapi sedappp...  Stop kejap tepi sungai. Nice juga tapi dry spell membuatkan air sungai pun lesu je :) Ajlaa resort. Quite a nice place. Owner pun very friendly. Insyaallah plan nak panjat bukit mencari waterfall Lopo in April. See that pool. Kering due to the dry spell. 

Hey, Jumpa Gambar!

Scroll punya scroll FB Malaysia Women Marathon, ada jugak gambar I dan Mas :) Masa flag off. Ramai tak leh nak lari pun!


We went to watch it yesterday. After Aliyah came back from school. Expectation terlalu tinggi mungkin. Sebab benchmarked against Upin & Ipin movie. Personally, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I actually suka gak series cerita tu. To me, Cikgu Kebenaran memang serious kelakar. Tapi movienya... adalah kelakar jugak. Maybe too long? Or maybe it's just not my type of movie. It was too fast, not much storyline. But Aliyah enjoyed it. Dia kata best. So, best la kot. But one thing that we both agree was - the part when the Bunkface song came out was kind of weird. It fell flat. I talked to Aliyah on the way back from her tuition class last night and when I mentioned that part, she actually agreed. Wah, pandai anak aku buat movie review! Sebab masa part tu ada banyak dialogue. There were a lot of stuff going on, and the characters were talking. But the song drowned the conversation and that "feeling" you know should come just didn't. However, the l...

Run Sister Run!

MWM is finally here! I woke up at 4.30am, left the house at around 5.15am, reached Masjid Sultan Salahuddin at 5.55am. The whole journey was a breeze. Kereta boleh kira dengan jari. Tapi kena ikut jalan jauh sikit sebab banyak jalan tutup. Pusing je kiri masuk jalan ke masjid, the whole road penuh dengan ladies memakai baju pink! I had to make a U-turn to find another route. Finally found place to park in front of the mosque at this small car park. Rupanya dalam compound masjid banyak lagi space! In the end, there were only 3 of us - Ude, Mas and I. Yang lain-lain tak berjaya menghadirkan diri. Lepas solat, duduk jap kat tangga masjid rasa overnight rolled oats yang Mas buat. Sedapppp... dan sihat. Should try the simple recipe she gave. Ude started her run at 6.30am. In fact, tak jumpa pun dia dalam masjid. Tah kat mana. The 5km started at 7.30am on the dot with the MB Selangor flagging us off. The run was good. I actually did run! The roads in Shah Alam sangat mendatar :). Tak mac...

Kayuhan Pre-Fun Run

Setelah berbulan tak kayuh, pagi ni berjaya juga. I call it kayuhan pre-fun run :). Just the two of us. Anak sedara 2 orang yang regular tu bawak parents dia orang pegi Melaka for short holiday. Kayuh masuk Ladang UKM. Dah lama tak kayuh terus masuk off-road. Gigil lutut weh!  Ada satu bukit dalam Ladang UKM orang panggil Bukit Puteri. Atas tu ada pondok untuk rehat. I think it's the highest peak dalam tu. Selalunya I akan sorong basikal naik atas. Half way mesti fail. The trail is slippery sebab banyak gravels dan alur air. I don't have a brave heart. Lagipun, selalunya pancit bila sampai situ. Hari ini sejarah tercipta, akak berjaya kayuh sampai atas! Yeayy! Jumpa lagi 2 riders kat situ :) The route today. Abaikan masa yang agak lama itu. Sebab sempat singgah rumah my mother cari air sejuk.

Goody Bag Collection

The day is almost here! Nervous OK, walaupun cuma nak join fun run :). First time join running event. Semalam petang pergi collect goody bag dengan Linda. Janji jumpa Mas kat sana. Jauh rupanya IJM Rimbayu ni. Lepas round-round booth kat situ, we went to Gula Cakery for coffee. Nice place. The cakes there were awesome! Sambung borak-borak dengan Mas yang dah lama tak jumpa. At one point, I melayan Aliyah yang asyik suruh ambik gambar dia, Mas actually said: "Sabar kau sekarang ye Za". Hahaha... a true friend yang kenal perangai I since teenager. I was never a patient person. Tapi sejak dapat Aliyah, berjaya belajar jadi sabar :). We parted ways at around 6.30pm. Itu pun sebab anak Mas dok call banyak kali. Last sekali anak dia call cakap ada tuition malam tu! Kelam- kabut dia balik. Jadinya we headed back. Memandangkan jalan jam dan hujan, dan tenaga pun banyak lagi, we decided to stop by IOI City Mall. Sambil merayau-rayau, dapat good exercise gak.

Work and Work

Semalam both of us were stationed at The Curve for a document validation workshop. Kesian Aliyah had to be by herself. Alhamdulillah Abang Ngah, my nephew, dapat fetch. Tapi anak kesayangan kena panaskan mee goreng semalam dan makan kek pisang sampailah parents dia balik. Anyway, lama tak buat training atau workshop. The one we attended yesterday was organised by someone else. And after the glitch where the tables had to be removed to accommodate round tables for discussion purposes, I knew why I was so so stern when it comes to event management last time. Event management must be smooth, you need to be prepared, you need checklist, you need to make sure food is ready (or if the presentation finishes early, you need to go get the hotel staff to get food earlier than planned), you need to make extra copies of the materials, and 1001 other little stuff but matters much. I think I trained my staff well because most of the times, our events were well managed. Semalam, at one point, I got...