Today tak ada plan ke mana-mana. My tentative family activity plan was to go to Taman Warisan. Nak bawak Aliyah belajar sikit pasal nature. Tapi mata dia kena ketumbit pulak. Every 2-3 month mesti kena. Plan nak kayuh pun tak berhasil, seperti biasa. So, I went out alone and walked. Such a beautiful morning. Not many cars on a Sunday at 7.45am. I have started using Runtastic. So far, so good compared to the other apps I tried before. My old pedometer really is crazy. Penat-penat jalan sejam peluh-peluh katanya 2.9km sahaja. Hari ni I walked the usual route but made a circle dan turun di tepi bukit rumah I ni = 4.84km. So, route selalu must have been at least 5.5km. Yeayyy... insyaallah next week fun run boleh habiskan 5km in an hour. The time given is 2 hours :)
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.