My insomnia is back... Can't sleep. Lagu ni dok main dalam kepala. Currently one of Aliyah's favourite songs. And her Mommy's too. I memang suka Bunkface. But this one really is catchy with a happy tune. It's romantic but "sempoi" at the same time. I imagine a couple having a fight and the hubby trying to apologize :) Pulanglah malam ini, bintang-bintang di langit sedang menari... Gosh, I kept having these lyrics in my head! Saya suka. Awak kata biasa je. Know what. Day by day our interest just keeps on falling apart.
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.