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Showing posts from February, 2015

Aliyah Wears Braces

One month after Aliyah started her "preparations", today she got her braces installed. (Installed is the word, no?). If you ask me, she actually looks really cute :). She was giggling at first, then, after a few hours she started to feel the strain on her teeth. Ngilu, katanya.  She's quite conscious of the food she can and cannot eat. Mak Longnya kata, "Laa... tambah kuruslah Aliyah!".

It's Completed - 2

Today we finalised the physical book version. Very satisfied with our partner's work. Alhamdulillah... Insyaallah, they will send for printing very, very soon. We have started sending out invites to our event. It's to fulfill one last requirement of getting the grant. Dah lama tak organise event, letih rupanya :).

It's Completed!

We visited our partner - Code's - new office in Oval Damansara yesterday to finalise our iBook. Alhamdulillah, it is finally completed. So totally completed. Now just waiting for them to create account and upload it for us. After that last correction/change was done on screen, and we browse through the iBook one final time, this heavy burden I've been carrying on my shoulders for the past 1.5 years suddenly just disappeared. Such a relief. And such a joyous feeling. We also finalised the book version. So, we'll have 2 products at the same time - the iBook and the actual book. With about 3 weeks to go before the launch, things look quite smooth. Insyaallah... One good thing about meeting our partner is - they are a bunch of energetic and optimistic young chaps. I have done the outline of the next book, but I have put it aside for now. Belum allocate masa untuk ponder, think and strategise the next steps. The huge hindrance is of course funding. But these guys actually as...

By Road to Malaysia

We received a surprise visit from ByRoadtoMalaysia today. Such an honour. Pernah terbaca somewhere before. We were at the counter discussing some advertising matters and suddenly this huge motorhome parked itself in front of the shop. Apparently Encik Jamalulail was driving around in this area and asked around for a bike shop. He wanted to change the grips of his bike. However, we don't have the grips at our shop. Hubby checked his bike and gave him 2 tubes as a gift :) The motorhome. I wish I could see how it is inside tapi segan pulak.  The bike. He said at some places, motorhomes are not allowed on the street, so he uses his bike to go around buying supplies. Encik Jamalulail with towkey Mysa Bike Hub :)

Tegakkan Batu Nesan

Semalam pusara arwah my father kami naikkan batu nesan dan letak kepok. It's been one month plus now. Reality has started to set in... On Friday, I submitted the A Form for Agihan Pusaka Kecil. Alhamdulillah, everything that needs to be done, has been done. Semoga Abah tenang di sana. The photos - from start till finish:  Mula-mula tanah diratakan. Lepas tu letak kepok di atas.  Our cousin assisted. Penuhkan tanah dalam kepok.  Lepas pacak batu nesan, pasir satu layer.  Tanam pokok kecil sikit, one last layer of batu halus.  Yassin dan tahlil led by Hubby. That's my brother Angah, my Abang Ben and furthest is my Pak Usu Mansur, my father's youngest brother.  Nephews - Abang Ijam and Along Iwan.  My father is sorely missed... Doa kami semoga kuburnya dilapangkan, diluaskan... semoga kuburnya bagai sebahagian dari taman-taman syurga...

Sad, Sad Day

Ya Allah, where should I even begin... Last night, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz passed away at 9.45pm. Malam yang sangat mulia. Malam Jumaat. Innalillah... A loss that just gripped my heart. For as long as I can remember, TGNA has always been a political figure so strong in the country. And highly-respected and well-loved ulama. Such down-to-earth man. Small yet hard as steel. His death touched a soft spot in my heart because he was sick just at the time when my father was sick. And one FB status of his son shared by a friend stated that a few weeks ago he got a bit better but still weak - very low sodium content in the body. Just like my father. And while I was browsing FB and Twitter for more information, a friend who's a lecturer in UPM wrote the passing of another well-known person. My lecturer at UPM when I was taking my Masters, who also happen to be our ex-project advisor for our iBook project - Prof. Musa Abu Hassan. Innalillah... He passed at 9.05pm last night. I was du...

So Alone

Am I the only one or it's now considered normal to be surrounded by people and yet feel so alone? At dinner table, playing games or checking Whatsapp is more important than having a decent conversation. Just tonight, I spent 2 hours watching a movie on TV and not speaking to anybody because those "anybody" were busy with their phones.  Lately I have given up trying to start a conversation because it feels so not worth it. Deep inside, I tell myself that one day when people look up from their phones and realise that the people who used to care about them have grown tired and sick of them, then that time, it might already be too late.

Melts the Heart

If you ask me who's the most incredible, handsomest, heart-melting singer in the whole wide world, I would say Bryan Adams. Yup! One of the few singers who sounds really amazing singing live. One nice thing about subscribing to HyppTV is the iConcert channel. This afternoon when I came back home for a while to send Aliyah to school - Bryan Adams live in Sydney was on. Best, best! I think it was Hubby who kind of introduced me to Bryan Adams during our days in ITM. Once, he made a really big mistake and tried to apologize by playing " Please Forgive Me " to me in the car. Well, it worked until he suddenly disappeared to watch a few guys riding superbikes nearby. Anyway, Bryan Adams reminded me of the words said by Melvin Bragg (well, I don't really know who he is as we in Malaysia don't get to watch much British programmes). He was in The Kumars at No 42 - a hilarious comedy show currently on Comedy Central every night. He said he believes that the most profo...

It's Been a Month

It's been a month since my father passed. Never a day pass by that I don't think of him. The first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I have in my mind before I sleep. People say time will heal. Perhaps it's true. My heart doesn't hurt so much now. But I miss him every single day. A few of us started to have dreams of him. My brother Lan, my Kak Long, even my nephew Along Iwan. For 2 weeks, I never had any dreams of my father. Rasa rindu sangat sangat. Selalu doa minta my father datang dalam mimpi. Even just a glimpse. Sometimes when I drive at the road near Bangi Villa, I can actually see the palm oil trees near his grave. It's just the opposite of the road. And I would say to myself - "Sampai hati Abah tak datang dalam mimpi. Rindu. Orang lain Abah jenguk, kita ni Abah langsung tak ingat...". Finally I dreamed of him. Twice. The first one was 2 weeks back. He was well, looked young (perhaps the way he looked in the 80s). His child...

Anniversary Dinner

Hubby and our partner Archot closed shop early yesterday - after Maghrib. Things were a bit quiet at the shop. Orang semua pegi holiday kot. Monday and Tuesday cuti FT and Thaipusam. So, boleh la pergi celebrate anniversary. Alamanda saja. TGIF. Also because nak cheer up Aliyah sikit since pagi tu dia cabut gigi. 15 years of marriage, 23 years of being together.

Pancit Sepancitnya

After 2 months, hari ni start kayuh balik. As expected, memang pancit sepancit pancitnya. Kalau kayuh road mungkin OK lagi. Hari ni dengan hati waja kayuh off-road di Ladang UKM. The climbing stretch yang dulu-dulu boleh kayuh terus tanpa berhenti pun tak lepas! Today, kayuh bertiga sekali dengan Along Iwan. Baru masuk jumpa group dari Bandar Baru Bangi. Ex-colleague Azam pun ada :). Kayuh kat dalam tu bukan jauh sangat pun. Dalam 8km je, tapi penat off-road memang lain. Hari ni perasmian kasut baru :). Kasut birthday present from Hubby. Beli on 1st Jan hari tu, sekali dengan beli stock baru kedai. Tapi tak ada kesempatan nak pakai. Anyway, balik singgah makan nasi lemak Kak Long. Ish, ish, penat je kayuh!  Rehat sekejap. Biar Along & Hubby gi kayuh dalam sikit. Tak kuasa nak ikut... Off-road, masuk quarters UKM, road sikit (bukitnya Allah saja yang tahu!), then masuk off-road balik...