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Showing posts from June, 2013

Aliyah Off to Another Camp

Tomorrow Aliyah will go for another UPSR camp in PD. Amboi, asyik merayau saja. Cari ilmu tak apa lah kan :)... As her previous camp, she'll go tomorrow morning (to school with her luggage) and come back Sunday afternoon. PD is not that far, but still... I pray semoga semua murid-murid dan guru-guru involved will be under Allah's protection and guidance. Insyaallah... Alhamdulillah this year things have started to get better for both of us that we can send off Aliyah to all her activities. I cringe to think if all these were last year. I hope Aliyah will learn, get valuable experience and enjoy herself. Getting good results for her UPSR will be a bonus. That's what I keep telling myself! I don't want to put any unnecessary pressure on her and onto myself. Well, I try to! She has proven many times that what she gathers in her life experience, she use it in her daily life - quite successfully. I believe her presence in the office when I do my work, discuss with my staff...

Raya Shopping Done

Yup, Raya shopping for Aliyah is done! Very early but very practical. I told Hubby let's get it done with before Ramadhan because I don't think I want to waste time at shopping malls during the holy month. So we went to Paradigm Mall yesterday with the usuals and got everything needed for Aliyah - new pair of jeans (skinny jeans is the trend now? Ok, let her enjoy it now while she's still in primary school!), blouse and shoes. She got herself boots this year. Must be "penangan" tengok The Voice 4! Marks & Spencer is having huge sale. Even got myself a new pair of corduroy jeans. Kalau tak sale, memang sorry lah kan. Now tinggal get Aliyah's baju kurung sent to my sister untuk dijahit. Selesai satu perkara...

Work on mysa Started

We went for a short briefing and collect letter of award last Tuesday at SKMM. Alhamdulillah, mysa project can last us the whole year. My prayers are answered. It took quite long, but this is the prefect time. Right away after the meeting we met up with Amru, our partner for the animation and 3D part. Went very well. With more ideas to expand this project. (Plus free Tutti Frutti to celebrate!). Today, just had a discussion with Caspian (whom we have a long-term love-hate relationship!) on his portion of the project, also with more great ideas. It just feels great when things start to fall into place. I'm writing this to take a break and digest all these ideas in my head.  There's so much to do. I actually don't know where to start. We can't afford to get extra resources yet. So, I guess I'll be the one to plan the foundation. When Hubby completes his contract with current client in one month's time, then I'll have him on board to focus on the contents.  ...

More Kain for Baju Kurung Cotton for Kids

Linda and I went out for new materials for our baju kurung kids collection. Habis lah juga setengah hari. Jerebu dan panas pulak tu. Sabar... We went crazy over the beautiful materials. Aliyah pun "termahu" satu dan I pun "terbeli" kan untuk dia. A black polkadot material. Ingatkan tahun ni sepasang baju kurung cukuplah untuk dia. Mak Long dia dah belikan material pink satin plain. Nak lagi satu? Dah besar kan... Anyway, check out the new materials at: . Kalau ada kain sendiri dan nak tempah saja pun boleh... Call  Linda at 03-8926 6562. (We might be having problems with the phone line actually. Dunno why it doesn't divert calls to Linda's mobile. Just drop a message to us on FB pun OK).  

Nak Tempah Baju Kurung for Kids?

Our little side business of selling baju kurung cotton for kids will be kick in full force. It's Syaaban and next will be Ramadhan. So, anybody who would like to tempah baju kurung for kids, check out our FB page: . Can choose from the materials available (yea, yea, still not many choices yet). Or can just come over and bring your own materials. Call Linda at 03-8926 6562 for appointment.

We Got It! (Masih Rasa Tak Percaya)

Alhamdulillah... Our hard work and wait and patience for the last 2 years have borne fruit. I checked my email at 3pm and got the most welcomed news. Hubby replied an email to MCMC thanking for the assistance and opportunity. Then, another email from him to me congratulating me on the receipt. Yes, we finally got the grant :). It took so long. Many times I felt like deleting the huge file named "mysa" on my laptop. It was a dream to create something for Aliyah that span to become a huge plan that went through ups and downs which affect my work and personal life. At first I was too confident and excited. I thought it was our platform to expand. I roped in someone whom I believe shares the passion. I believe "mysa", as I named it, will be a success overnight. "Mysa" taught me a lot about people - a huge lesson learned. It also taught a lot about being at the bottom of the stairs with almost nothing to be proud of. It taught be that in the end, the people t...

Semoga Bersemangat...

Aliyah pergi school trip today - ke sekolah berasrama penuh around area Negeri Sembilan mainly MRSM and Sekolah Sains. Her class gets to go to MRSM Serting. I really don't know where that is. One hour journey from here I think. Objective - nak menaikkan semangat students yang nak ambil UPSR tahun ni kot. Biar bersemangat tengok suasana sekolah yang bagus-bagus. I hope she gets some inspiration and motivation. Her mid-year exam results are ok. Her Maths has improved but Science is still a problem subject for her. It's only 3 months to her exams. And I am so very worried.

Foot Prints...

I was browsing my photo folders on my laptop today looking for old photos of Aliyah. I just bought photobookmart voucher on Groupon and plan to create one album just for her - from birth till now. Click punya click punya click, terbuka satu folder yang I sebenarnya tak nak buka sampai bila-bila. The images I captured are for... lesson learned perhaps. Or shall I say - future reference. Or a painful reminder of how bad words hurled to me, once upon a time. Yes, I captured the FB screenshots. Kalau kita berjalan kat tepi beach, our foot prints will be left behind. Sooner or later, a wave can sweep the foot prints away, and nothing will be left. Not even a memory. Tapi, on the Internet, words are not foot prints left on a beach. Capture the words as screenshots and they will remain forever. Perhaps it was not by chance that I stumbled upon the folder today, especially now Syaaban is here. Soon it will be Ramadhan and then Syawal. I guess the heart just wanted to be reminded why things...

After Dark

After finishing re-reading Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted, dah kehabisan buku untuk dibaca. So, geledah bookshelf and started to read Murakami's Norwegian Wood. It is such a depressing book actually but beautiful. Anyway, yesterday Aliyah and I spent the day at my Kak Long's place. Took the day off for Aliyah to spend time with her Mak Long. Went to Paradigm Mall - beli hadiah untuk Abang Ijam (his birthday was last 6th June), teman Mak Longnya beli kasut, lunch... Singgah di Popular and surprised to see they carry Murakami's books. Even though tak banyak but I found one I have not read - After Dark (2004). So, now reading 2 Murakami books at the same time!