Frankly speaking, I jarang tengok news on TV and read newspapers - especially tabloids macam Harian Metro. Kadang-kadang bila terbaca macam buat dosa je baca benda mengarut yang boleh mendatangkan fitnah. Terlampau banyak cerita sensasi untuk lariskan jualan suratkhabar. Tak setuju walaupun I pernah kerja NST. Here's one story - a direct effect from such sensational story. Untuk friends working in the media - renung-renungkanlah. I am not trying to side anybody. I'm just writing from my personal observation. I don't personally know this teacher but I started to know about him when Aliyah was still schooling in Bangi Lama. Let's call him Cikgu H. Seorang mualaf and a divorcee. One fine afternoon, I witnessed one "scenario" that confirms why I am not a teacher, will never be a teacher and parents should thank God that I am not a teacher - while he is. I was waiting for Aliyah at the shades of a tree when I saw the teacher, very smart in his shirt and tie walki...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.