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Showing posts from November, 2007

Dah Naik Gaji Pun Lembab Lagi...

Kali ni nak cerita pasal orang Gomen. Gaji dah naik, service pun Pak Lah suruh naik. Overall, our experience with Govt agencies kira OK except for a few. Ni latest one yang menyakitkan hati and mengherankan hati. Sakit hati sebab tak da respect langsung kat orang lain punya payment/income. Heran pasal orang macam ni pun boleh diterima kerja. Patutnya dah lama kena buang pasal buat kerja tak pakai otak. Here's the story. This morning I asked Linda to contact this client of ours yang our work with them dah siap since early October. Katanya nak bayar end of this month. Bila call that department dah hantar all necessary documentation to finance. So, mintak lah contact orang finance. Our payment is divided into 2 even tho same job. And for some strange reason, the 2 payments are being processed by 2 different persons. So, Linda called the person handling the 1st payment - we found out everything dah siap last week, cheque dah prepare and he has passed it to the department handling posta...

Aliyah's Concert & Graduation

Aliyah's concert and graduation day was held yesterday. She participated in Malay dance and Hindi dance. So cute dgn baju ala-ala I dream of genienya. I pulak yg rasa sedih. She went to that kindergarten for 2 years and we are in very good terms with the teachers - selalu terserempak makan kat kedai mamak. Come January, it'll be real school for her. Risaunya I... Malay dance. Naughty boy tau partner dia ni. Nama dia Adam. Aliyah mengadu, dia kata Adam kata Aliyah tak pandai dance and suruh jgn datang masa concert. School can be so stressful for kids... Ni baru tadika. Received her certificate from Gunes, the assistant principal. Make-up punyalah tebal. Hindi dance pulak. She really enjoyed herself in this one!

How Did They Even Got There

I dah lama tak beli newspaper - only The Star on Saturdays. I pun dah lama tak tengok news on TV - only the first 5 mins of TV3 news in case ada something big happened. Know why? Because rasa tak sanggup nak baca or tengok our ministers, politicians or anybody yang sewaktu dengannya making a fool of themselves. And I wonder and wonder what crazy action that made us the voters to vote these kind of people to lead the country. Since our ministers pun dah label blogs as unreliable, rubbish and reading blogs is a waste of time, I'm listing out a few that really irritate me since they don't value bloggers' opinions anyways. 1. The 3 stooges: even to name them is an insult to my page, but I'm sure you know who they are. Yang selalu main cakap tak pikir dulu, lepas tu terlepas cakap and the whole country will be in uproar, and then they call for a press conference and apologize. And a few weeks later, they said something stupid again and the cycle starts again. Come on, the pa...

Pics of Aliyah's Birthday Party

Yea, yea... this is really late. The night before penat prepare party packs... Aliyah's birthday cake - yummy strawberry cake with fresh strawberries & peaches... Abang Ijam with Aliyah. Centre - my mom & my mother-in-law. Right - my eldest sister dengan muka laparnya... Birthday girl dengan crown nya... Our combined families saja dah dekat 30 orang... Pakcik & makcik pun sibuk nak bukak hadiah..

Buat Lawaklah Makcik Nih...

Lamaaaaa tak blog. Dok baca blog orang saja. Blog orang pun boring. Let's see what happened lately... Perhimpunan UMNO? Bosan gila tengok news dok tunjuk entah sapa2 berucap. Ada la 1-2 yg OK, the rest... entahla. There's one lady lawak gila. Tak sure puteri or wanita UMNO. She was talking about kebanjiran pekerja asing kat Malaysia. Pas tu she said those foreign workers buat kerja tak ada semangat kewarganegaraan. Pasal tu la buat ceiling, ceiling runtuh. Buat jambatan, jambatan tu runtuh. Haahaahaha... lawak gila. Ooo... pasal tu ke runtuh? Bukan runtuh pasal simen pasir tak cukup? Bukan sebab structure jambatan tak betul? Bijak sungguh makcik tu. Tahun depan boleh la panggil dia buat ucapan lagi ya.


I applaud the latest effort to track missing children called NURIN Alert (Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network). Hope the authorities will work together to come up with the policy, method, flow, etc and make it an effective mechanism. I can't believe we need to wait 24 hours before we can lodge missing children report to the police. Kalau memang case run away from home tak apa, but what if abduction and the children ended up dead? I'm sure we the public would like to help out. So, the mechanism must include everybody. The latest car theft cum child abduction was a good case study. I got an email at about 9.30am about the abduction along with useful info like type of car, plate number, etc. And the email was sent at about 9am. The child was found that morning itself. The email circulation was fast. So, if we the public can get such info on our cell phones and be on alert, that would be a great help to the search effort. I read there's a new case of child rape and m...