Today - I've been married for 7 years. We started seeing each other in our 2nd year of college, so I've been with him for 16 long years. 16? Lamanya... The relationship has gone through ups and downs, happiness and sadness, separation but never break-up. Yup, never. We were once separated for 8 months when he got posted to Labuan. Other than that, we were always together. Hubby remembered. Hmm... good for him. Kalau tak... Yesterday I rushed over to Alamanda to find a present. Budget pun tak berapa nak ada. Thought of buying him something intimate - pyjamas. But then the sizes they had were way, way too big. Then I resorted to night T and boxers. Pun sama - no size. Apparently the M sizes are always sold out. I was so tired of going around not to mention stressed out waiting for Casfian to finish up a client's website, finally I resorted to buying a T shirt with a zip at the neck. He doesn't have one of those. So unromantic, but can do lah. He didn't buy me anythin...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.